Like a hobbit, I tend to like living in a hole : give me whatever flat or house and I will turn it to a hole-thing, with enough books and my tendency to accumulate stuff.
Like a hobbit, I love food ( but I don't cook, for the moment, books are more important ). And strangely, I'm not into french food that much - though I'm french and spent most of my life there : anyone being able to give me a good fish'n'chips or a mansaf is blessed. Or any middle-eastern food. And the dubious stuff in english-speaking countries named "cheese and onion pasty".
Like some hobbits, especially Frodo, I live to read (and sometimes read to live - books helping me understand this crazy world outside). So much so I couldn't be satisfied with one language : I learned english following one of the great findings of my life - the Lord of The Rings during highschool - by buying my first actual book in a foreign language and tackle it directly, instead of the never-ending list of school textbooks ...
And then I learned arabic, following a dream (a night-time one), of the kind that sticks to your mind and don't leave you until you've made what it told you to do : in my case, buying and arabic language self-teaching method. A dream not entirely realized which consequences have not all unravelled, but it already took me really far, spiritually and physically.
And then I learned arabic, following a dream (a night-time one), of the kind that sticks to your mind and don't leave you until you've made what it told you to do : in my case, buying and arabic language self-teaching method. A dream not entirely realized which consequences have not all unravelled, but it already took me really far, spiritually and physically.
And now I'm trying to find time to learn hebrew, persian and hindi, aside from my middle-eastern studies. And looking forward to pashto as well.
And so, unlike a lot of hobbits and humans, I'm drawn to countries and places which don't seem particularly safe these days, but seems is not always is, and so far I have felt much better and secure in the countries I visited and lived in than in France. Go figure.
( unfinished )
( unfinished )
Like some people, religion(s) and mysticism are a subject I like. But I avoid most of the time discussing it, for two reasons : people are either very passionate about it (anti- or pro- alike) while I prefer calm talks and approaches, and/or they have so many weird conceptions of things that makes them go all funny and find contradictions where I never found any, and I’m tired of explaining why other people may not see it the same way they do. So, silence is of gold, then.
I have a tendency to find the same «core» to all religions and philosophies (including atheism !), the differences between them all being of the «formal» level (in the forms, languages, and cultures each one appeared into). And out of all the forms I saw or read about, I liked one more the others, the one called islam - and possibly the worst choice for a «westerner» these days. The core is the same, all the forms are as good as any, but on my strict personnal level, one made more sense, appealed to me much more than the others. And I could go on for hours on the subject, but I’ll leave it at that for now : I’m muslim, with sufi-like tendencies, born into an undercover christian/atheist culture (France) ( at least this bizarre description fits the french outback/badawya where my family lives - family itself made up of a staunch anticlerical agnostic, a vague buddhist sinophile, a communist who likes angels and a quasi-polytheist. And me).