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Monday, 12 March 2012

A Separation

      ... By Asghar Farhadi.
     Beautiful movie I saw last week (getting the Oscar, some cinemas in France decided to run it again for one week in the theatres), on which I could talk for hours. When you think it's just a story of an actual separation between a husband and a wife, you realize it goes deeper, and the separation is between everything and everyone ( between social classes inside Iran, etc ), a separation that every character miss on bridging to be in touch again ... Leading to the end, where the ones to pay the highest price are the kids symbolizing the next generation. Beautiful movie in that is also shows that the language, the cultural references and behaviors are but a thin sheet envelopping the same life : what the characters are living in the movie could be seen anywhere in the world, and maybe first of all here, in the "west".
     For example, even the character of the poor and deeply religious woman, which we might think is not found that much elsewhere (and that would be a terrible mistake in itself) could be swapped by simply a deeply "secular-moral" character elsewhere, leading to the same acts that we see in the movie played through the specific iranian culture.
     I was then so happy it got the Oscar, especially during these awful times where geo-politics are going nuts (and don't get me started on that, I'm not over the fact that Irak is destroyed, I think I'll go properly mad if the same happens again), I thought maybe it was a good occasion to go humanist and deflate the current crazyness, but as I read this, obviously, human stupidity is always strongest, as History has always shown ...

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