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Sunday 29 April 2012

Memories (2) - Egypt again

     Of the group of tourists we were part of I was the only one to be fully clothed. For several reasons I didn't want to wear anything else than a long skirt and long sleeved top, when everyone else was in T-shirt or less, shorts and the like, making the most of the springtime sun and looking like real tourists. I didn't care a bit about the sun, especially since I discovered that my stupid white skin was the sort to get burned but never tanned (first reason). So I didn't bother with the sun, and I always prefered wearing long clothes, more graceful to my eyes than all these dreadful tight little clothes everybody else was wearing but fitting noone (second reason). 
      I had only the slightest consciousness that wearing full lenght skirt might be a good idea to help me cross the cultural divide between me, tourist, and the local population, always covered up, men and women alike. So it was not the main reason since I was barely conscious of ir, but I just liked it best, even back home. But none the less it made me stand apart both inside the tourist group and outside among the locals, which I think was the third reason, not wanting to be seen as another of "those tourists". I attracted the "locals"' attention much more than my cousin, though she was the prettiest, and that you could see much more of her than me. I didn't understand why and didn't care much, I was too busy eating the good food all around us on display at all times. That's when I discovered the marvelous stuff called fresh dates (I loved the sugary dry ones you can find anywhere in the world, and never knew you could eat it fresh). It was one of the best things I ever ate, and never managed to found the same again.  
     Anyway, the really funny part came when we were visiting around Cairo, or maybe Karnak, we were looking at temple ruins, along with japanese people, when suddenly a couple of them saw me, and insisted on taking a picture of me in front of the ruins. One alone by myself and another one with them. 
     To this day, I know I'm in the picture of a japanese couple in Egypt, and I still haven't the slightest idea why. Did they manage to find out I was french and found that great (as happened to me later in Australia)? Or did they just thought, for some unkown reason, that I was egyptian and looked local enough to look good on the picture (as happened to me even later in the West Bank ?). I don't know why people think french is cool, and even less why they should think I look egyptian, but long skirts can have a funny effect on random people.

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