Si je n'avais pas lu Edward Saïd, je serais orientaliste - لو ما قرأت كتاب إدوارد سعيد لكنت مستشرقة

Sunday 15 April 2012

Friday's links :

On strangers ...

" I love strangers who smile at you when you accidentally catch their gaze. Especially the ones who let you into their life for that fraction of a second. It’s just something about the levels of “genuine” that you can catch in their smile. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but you smiled at me like we were old buddies, and I love you for that. "
Continued here.

On homesickness ...

" I stared at that photo and I felt homesick. I longed for Harvard Square. I missed the familiar feeling of it. I missed the people around me reading books. How those people have many different thoughts and perspectives and how it is often possible to sense that those people accept the differences among them.  I missed it being a place where I could go and disappear."
Continued here.

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